Friday, 8 April 2016

Personality Development Techniques

In this specific Blog page we will know about some techniques of "Personality Development"

Personality development
Good Book
1) Read at least one good book in a month

2) Increase your vocabulary

3) Select a suitable radio and television program me

4) Read a good newspaper daily

5) Ask question and listen attentively

6) Join a GROUP of knowledgeable person to discuss things
Personality development/ Good Team
Good team / PD

7) Have a Hobby

8) Join a library

9) Study a subject/language/art in a year

10) Think positive

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


There are some points which are very important to implement to get succeed and some are  to avoid in life.

1) Excessive experiment

2) Wait & Wait      

3) Don't listen to looser

4) Fear

5) Rigidness


                             1) Health
GOAL  =                3)Education
                                                    4)Family & Relations
Personal growth/ Team feeling

All these points mentioned above are important for us but one has to manage properly to take care of each one for a balance in life else it is wastage.


Personality WINNING or LOOSING

Are you a winner or a looser ?

Just check it out and do respond..........

winner / personality development
looser personality/ personality development

WINNER Personality                                             LOOSER Personality

1) A Winner says "lets find out"                          1) A Looser says "No body Knows"

2) When a winner makes mistake he says
      "I was wrong"                                               2) When a looser makes mistake It was't
                                                                                 my fault"

3) A winner goes through a problem                   3) A Looser goes around it and never gets pass it

4) Makes commitment                                         4) Makes Promises

5) Says I am good but not as
good as I ought to be                                            5) Says I am not as bad as a
                                                                                  lot of other people

6) Learn from his/her superior                             6) Tries to tear down those who are

7) says " There ought to be                                  7) Says, that"s the way its always
  here better way to do it                                           been done

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


In each & every person there are some characteristics which influence or compels to be influenced. Those are the touchy and most amazing personal quality which helps a person to be remembered by others always.
There are various stories I will be sharing of Pandit JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, Swami VIVEKANAND, APJ. KALAM etc.

These qualities are :-

TOUCH :- A gentle touch inspire and gives immense pleasure and positive vibes if  its from heart and could be remembered.

personality development touch/ confidence booster
Personality development touch
Touch Affection

POSITIVE THINKING :-  Positive words,positive thinking really makes us BE POSITIVE (not       B+) Thinking in positive way makes you BP and BLOOD CIRCULATION proper and active. It builds up confidence, trust for us, happening persona and a live personality altogether.

Giving Gifts :-   Giving gifts on valentine day/Teddy day/Mother's Day/ Friendship Day is not just a gifting a gift to your dear one or love one but to gift someone when its really needed like at the time of winning a game/your relative's son/daughter scored the highest/good in the class/meeting with your boss son/daughter/see off someone/a known who is hospitalized and in danger in a hospital/a beggar (infect handicapped), an orphan/ food for a street dog/an old women/ AN SMILE COULD BE A GIFT to the employees in your organisation if YOU ARE A BOSS.

All the BEST for a guy/girl going for an exam

A beautiful comment to a sweet lady 
An smile to a cute/crying baby
A Glass of water to any guest came in your office when no office boy available at the time or out for some work.

These all can be the best gifts we can give and means a lot beyond our imagination.

Helping Attitude 


Personality how its A "NEGATIVE"

In this blog page we will come to know about some negative traits of a person that's also a quality. let me correct a "negative quality".

Person + Quality (Negative) = Personality

Person + Quality (Positive) = Personality

Negative personality/ personality Development
Negative personality
For example:-

Back seat Driver :- This quality is called unwanted adviser

Sullen & Gloomy :- Saddish person even after becoming millionaire

Know All :- This character is so famous in general and know all about whatever you say or discuss with. He is simply the big lier you can say
Opportunist :- The person only talk about himself/herself always. Come to you for his/her work only

Ragging & complaining :- Negative/ pessimistic/ complain box

Uncouth and Rugged :- Illiterate/ ill mannered

Dirty Pig

Braggart :- Wanting  (You cant digest his/her sentences) FEKUDAAS

Slow Bug: So timid/coward/helpless/dont willing to work in any circumstances

Block head :- Fool  


In every step of our life we have to see and adopt some successful tips which can bring us as the top tycoon/big shots does in their life to get succeed.

There are some traits which helps to make us grow rapidly in once life. We must have the audacity to accept and over come upon the lacuna within us.

Extra effort/ personality development

HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL to make yourself power of attraction 

1) Choose the right career

2) Avail the best coaching or the best guide

3) Be persistent

4) Put a little extra effort than others

5) Be optimist

6) Gain Knowledge from the all available sources ( 3 IDIOTS)

7) Be a giver/ helping attitude/ empathy

Personality (INSIDE & OUTSIDE)

There are some points which indicates our internal and external personality. If we are going somewhere than we can understand by other about some traits and quality of ours.

visual/ dress up / personality development
Here we go and can see -


 a) Dress Up
 b) Gait / Get up
c) Personal Hi-gene 
Personality development/money/need
Mental Level, Money, Authority


a) Mental Level

b) Money

c) Authority

d) Need                                                                        

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Skills Development

Person + Quality = Personality

Develop (Quality) = Development

Skills development & personality development

Meeting people & personality development

1) Be confident

2) Read more often and develop new      interests

3) Be a good listener

4) Be a little fun

5) Be courteous

6) Work on your Body Language

7) Check your attire

8) Be yourself

9) Know yourself

10) Bring positivity in your outlook

11) Have an opinion

12) Meet new people